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AAPPL – Foreign Language & Dual Language Immersion

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AAPPL for Dual Language Immersion
Grade Level:
Content Area: Dual Language Immersion (DLI)
Testing Window: October 14 – November 26, 2024
Student Data: UTREx – school and core codes
Student Results: IL & IR ratings are released nightly; PW & ILS ratings are typically released within 2 weeks
• Dual Immersion - Kaye Rizzuto: 801-567-8320 (Consultant, Dual Immersion) or

• Test Administration – Kassidy Towery: 801-567-8115 or

Utah State Board of Education (USBE) has contracted with Language Testing International (LTI) to provide the AAPPL assessment to schools participating in Utah’s Dual Language Immersion program. For more information on Jordan District's Dual Language Immersion program, visit their link.

Below are the tests that will automatically be ordered by the State for your students. If you would like your students to receive additional testing during this Fall testing window, please receive approval from your school. Any tests in addition to those listed below will need to be paid for by the school.

Grade Level Summative Tests Form Time
Grade 3 Interpersonal Listening/Speaking A 30 min
Grade 4 Interpretive Listening and Reading + Presentational Writing A 60 min
Grade 5 Interpersonal Listening/Speaking A 30 min
Grade 6 Interpretive Listening and Reading + Presentational Writing A (Chinese)

B (Other)

60 min
Grade 7 Interpersonal Listening/Speaking B 30 min
Grade 8 Interpretive Listening and Reading + Presentational Writing B 60 min
Grade 9 Interpersonal Listening/Speaking + Interpretive Listening and Reading + Presentational Writing + AP Test (the AP test will be taken in May) B 90 min

Preparation checklist:

Before testing:

  • Login to LTI and review the tests that have been ordered for your students (beginning of October). If any tests are missing, or if your school would like to pay for additional tests that were not originally included for your students, please email Gaylene Miller at
    • There are 4 test areas: Speaking (ILS), Writing (PW), Listening (IL), and Reading (IR). The State will pay for the test areas listed in the table above for each grade. You will need to request any additional testing for your students, and your school will need to pay for the additional tests.
  • Do you have students who need special accommodations? Review the 2023-24 Accommodations Policy and let the district coordinator know so she can upload the request.
  • Make sure you have enough headsets.
  • Try out the headsets to make sure they work and you know how to troubleshoot them.
  • Schedule a date that you will administer the test. Make sure your school testing coordinator knows when and where you are testing. You may need their assistance. 
  • Be sure to schedule speaking tests early in the window to allow for scoring (two weeks) and then students who will need to retake the test.
  • Review the Proctoring Guides:
  • Try out the demo test items:
  • View the tips videos for how to best answer questions:
  • Have students take the practice test and view tips videos.
  • When you receive your account notification (around mid Oct), make sure you can log in:
  • Print student login information: How to Print AAPPL Test Tickets (or Teacher training materials)
  • Check with the school testing coordinator and see if any students have opted out.
  • If students are testing at home, please review the At-Home Testing Student Guide and At-Home Proctoring FAQs

During testing:

  • Students log in using this link:
  • After students begin testing, use this account to view the status of each test (not started, completed, partially completed, etc)
  • Schedule make-up testing sessions as needed

After testing:

  • Listen to student speaking test responses by clicking on the “speaker” icons.
  • Read student writing test responses by click on the “pencil and paper” icons.
  • Export test data to Excel.
  • Print score reports by clicking on “Print Certificates.” 



AAPPL for Foreign Language Testing
Grade Level: 7-12
Content Area: Foreign Language & Seal of Biliteracy
Testing Window: March 3, 2025 - May 30, 2025
Student Data: The ILR test will be ordered for foreign language courses in the spring, should teachers decide to do this test with their students. All additional test orders must be approved by your principal prior to submitting an order request.
Student Results: IL & IR ratings are released nightly; PW & ILS ratings are typically released within 2 weeks
• Foreign Language - Kaye Rizzuto: 801-567-8320 (World Language Content) or
• Test Administration / Order Requests – Kassidy Towery: 801-567-8115 or

Important to know about the AAPPL test:

  • The AAPPL test can test Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish. (As of 5/25/2022.)
  • If a student wishes to be tested in a language that is not listed above, LTI offers an alternative test called the OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) and WPT (Written Proficiency Test). The OPI must be scheduled directly with LTI, and is done over the phone between the student and LTI employee. The WPT test can be taken at any time after it is requested, and is available online. The languages available are: Albanian, Amharic, Bangla, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Croatian, Dari, Gujarati, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Hindi, Malayalam, Pashto, Polish, Russian, Swahili, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, and Yoruba.
  • Once a test has been started, it must be finished within 2 weeks. After 2 weeks the test will be auto-submitted for scoring and no changes can be made after that time.
  • Students who would like to receive the Seal of Biliteracy must show proficiency in English and a Foreign Language. For more on this, please see the application: Seal-of-Bi-literacy-JSD-application-update-march-2019.


For questions about AAPPL test administration and accounts, please contact

  • Kassidy Towery: 801-567-8115
  • Kaye Rizzuto: 801-567-8320 (World Language Content Administrator)